Overview of the Dukan Diet

Diet Method:
The Dukan method recommends losing weight naturally, with a return to the foods that founded the human species, those eaten by primitive man, the hunter-gatherers, proteins and vegetables, 100 foods including 72 from the animal world and 28 from the plant world. So basically, get rid of the junk and you will be skinny. Sounds simple...I can follow that!

Four Phases:
This diet is broken down into four phases. This is the awesome part. Only half of the phases are weight loss phases the other two are transitioning you to be skinny for the rest of your life!

Phase 1: ATTACK PHASE This phase is made up eating strictly from the list of allowed protein foods. This is a very short phase lastly between 1-10 days. This mode gets the body in weight loss mode and releases all the water weight you may be retaining.

Phase 2: CRUISE PHASE This is where the majority of your weight will be lost. This phases consists of alternating Protein only days and Protein plus Vegetable days. For me, this phase is going to last several months, but im ready for the challenge.

Phase 3: CONSOLIDATION PHASE This is where my downfall has always been when it comes to dieting and one of the main reasons why I'm so excited about the Dukan diet. This phase is a gradual of return fruits and carbs into the diet. This phase is based on how much weight you had to lose. For every 1lb lost you will stay in this phase for 5 days. So if you lose 10 lbs then you will be in consolidation phase for 50 days.  I think this is where the Dukan Diet tends to stand out above the rest because being able to keep the weight off is crucial to dieting.

Phase 4: STABILIZATION PHASE This is the final and lifelong promise of the diet. There are 3 rules in this phase: always take the stairs whenever possible, always eat your daily oat bran serving, and set aside one day every week for only eating protein.

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